Your brain plays a vital role in your hearing capability, whether it’s organizing sounds and orienting yourself with your surroundings, hearing better in challenging environments, or engaging in conversations where you switch focus and listen according to your personal preference. Through our services and products, we want to connect the dots between your brain’s ability to allow you to hear even better and being able to engage in the activities you love!
The goal of ‘brain hearing’ is to give the brain the clearest, purest, sound signals to decode. Through our evaluations and individualized treatment plans, we reinforce our belief in brain hearing.
No one should have to live with hearing loss, and we utilize the latest technology in hearing devices so that you’ll be set up for success. Many of our hearing devices have features built into the technology that modifies only the parts of the signal that the individual ear does not hear well so that the unique characteristics of speech are captured and preserved. This helps to keep neural pathways engaged so the brain does not have to relearn how to hear. The result is better hearing with less effort!